Saturday, August 05, 2006

Word on the street

The word on the street due to some previous experiences is that there is something Big going around, four days ago all Bridges connecting the eastern side of the Army Canal have been reinforced by concrete blocks as checkpoints causing tremendous traffic jams, now the average Baghdadi know that the eastern side of this canal is populated by the following Neighborhoods, Sadr City Sha’ab City and the Baladeyat district, overall it is believed that more than three million people live on that side of the canal, adding this to the prime minister request that U.S. forces to help in the new security Plan (the old one was a total failure) and the choice of the 101st Airborne Division to come down from Ninevah to implement this plan and due to the fact that you can not find a single rifle cartridge in the Sadr city black market, and rumors that the Mahdi Army are currently training young hungry ignorant teenagers on Arms, all these are reflecting that a Major confrontation is going to happen in the next two weeks.
Trust me the word on the Iraqi Street is more reliable than any intelligence source in Iraq.
Ah and because it’s “on the street” Most terrorists have fled and stopped their operations on that side of Baghdad.

If someone really is serious in applying a security plan shouldn’t they be a bit more secretive?


Anonymous said...

The simple fact is all
Shia militias must work with the government thats the quickest way
toward defeating the Former Regime
Elements and the foreign terrorists.

Sadr city should be by now the most peaceful part of Baghdad ...
significant reconstruction
should be going on NOT Violence.

But al-Sadr insists on operating outside the Maliki government ...

I believe al-Sadr feels he can win
a civil war if US Forces leave ...
And with Backing from Iran
build an Islamic State like Iran
opressing all the other sects
and secularists.

I also believe FRE feel they
can win a civil war if US Forces leave ... returning Iraq to a brutal Sunni dominated regime similar to Saddams time ....

Sistani and other Shia clerics
must bring al-Sadr into line fast
there is no reason for him to be operating his milita outside the government ACCEPT to instigate a civil war and bring more violence upon Iraq ....

If Sistani does not come forward
one can assume he secretly backs al-Sadr and wants him to succeed
and that is indeed sad

There are thousands of terrorists
and FRE elements very well armed
with explosives ... it would be a huge
waste of life if al-Sadr instead of cooperating with US forces
decides again to fight them.

I hope you are wrong and that
senior religious figures intervene
to end the militias independence

locomotivebreath1901 said...

'Ah and because it’s "on the street" Most terrorists have fled and stopped their operations on that side of Baghdad. If someone really is serious in applying a security plan shouldn’t they be a bit more secretive?'

Perhaps that is the point: it was 'placed' on the 'street' and that information is having the desired effect (...most terrorists have fled and stopped their operations on that side of Baghdad...)